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The enactment of P.L. 19-54 in 1989, as amended by P.L. 21-33 created the Adult Protective Services (APS) Unit within the Division of Senior Citizens, Guam SOA. The Bureau of APS, as it is now called, is mandated with the responsibility of receiving and investigating all reports of suspected abuses against the elderly or adults with a disability pursuant to P.L. 19-54, as amended by P.L. 21-33; these specifically include but are not limited to reports of abuse in facilities operated by the Department and other public or private agencies and in private residences. The Bureau also provides outreach, education, monitoring, and advocacy for vulnerable elders and adults with disabilities.

Inside the Bureau of Adult Protective Services

Emergency Receiving Home (ERH) Program

A contracted service, the Emergency Receiving Home/Crisis Intervention Hotline provides protective services seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Long-Term Care Ombudsman Services Program

One Social Worker under APS is designated as Guam’s State Long-Term Care Ombudsman.

Elder Abuse Prevention

100% federal funding provides resources for training of staff, outreach and educational activities, and cost-sharing for administrative supplies/materials in support of the locally funded Bureau of Adult Protective Services.

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