Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Project
In 2005, DSC received a one-year demonstration grant award from the Administration on Aging (AoA) to administer the Guam Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Program. Thereafter, DSC has received funding for two-three year periods (2006 to 2009 and 2009 to 2012) through a continuous application process. In September 2010, AoA provided SMP Projections with additional funding through a capacity building grant to help SMP’s expand its current capacity of which the DSC is using its award to hire a staff through temporary appointment to help recruit, train and maintain Project volunteers. The goal of Guam SMP is to continue expanding Project outreach and education activities to empower Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries, family members, caregivers and other consumers, to protect themselves against Medicare/Medicaid error, fraud and abuse and know where to report it. In collaboration with Guam MAP, Guam SMP develops, plans, and implements various activities to meet its Project objectives.
For further information and assistance please contact Division of Senior Citizens at (671) 735-7415/7421 or email: