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Press Release No. 2019-003

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey

During the following months you might receive a phone call on behalf of the Department of Public Health and Social Services asking you to participate in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey. It is the largest on-going random telephone health survey in the world that collects data from adults age 18 years and older. 

Please be assured that this phone call is NOT a telemarketing scheme, but a serious, legitimate survey that gathers important, state-specific data to support health promotion and disease prevention programs on Guam such as diabetes, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, cancer screening, heart disease, hypertension, physical activity, obesity and other related topics.

Participants who complete the telephone interview will also be asked to participate in the BRFSS-Plus pilot study that will collect health measurements on Body Mass Index, blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol data.

The results will support federal and state healthcare programs to determine health priorities, develop policies and legislation, plan and measure the progress of prevention initiatives, find additional funding, garner program support, and create new programs.

Data collected will contribute towards a healthier island with a focus on preventing non-communicable diseases.  Please take part in helping your community live healthier by answering the survey. Participation is strictly voluntary and personal information is not collected.

This is in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pacific Health Island Officers Association.  For more information, please contact Alyssa Uncangco, BRFSS Program Coordinator, at 735-7336 or via email at


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