Program Information, Monitoring & Evaluation Section
The Program Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Section (PIME) is primarily responsible for the preparation of QC Error Analysis Reports used by the SNAP Program to develop Correction Action Plans; conducts Management Evaluation Reviews and Corrective Action Plan Assessments; and the preparation of quarterly and annual reports and statistical reports.
Monthly random sampling of SNAP Quality Control Active and Negative cases are validated and are then sent to QC for quality control case review.
PIME is also tasked with the preparation and monitoring of the bureau’s budget and expenditures.
PIME is also responsible for coordinating referrals, activities and scheduling of all Fair Hearing requests.
It’s also responsible for the development, implementation and coordination of Data Exchange Activities which involves verification of social security benefits, SS quarters, income and employment information, immigration status, savings and liquid resources, duplicate participation and disqualified individuals.