DPHSS Guidance Memorandum 2020-11 Rev14 (Amendment 01) – January 15, 2022
DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11 Rev. 14 – as of November 19, 2021 (Travel Guidance)
Executive Order N0. 2021-029 – Relative to Incoming Travelers and Quarantine Facilities
DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11 REV. 13 – as of July 2, 2021
DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11 Rev12
DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11 REV11 Amendment 3
DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11 REV 11 Amendment 1
DPHSS Travel Guidance Memo 2020-11 Rev11 (effective May 15, 2021 at 12:01 AM)
Public Service Announcement
Effective June 19, 2021, DPHSS will no longer be accommodating pre-arrival requests for Critical Services Workers, Essential Healthcare Professionals, Flight Crew, and travelers with family emergencies or hardships; these travelers will follow new the quarantine guidelines for all incoming travelers to the island, effective June 19, 2021. Requests for exemption from the Government of Guam Quarantine Facility will no longer be necessary for mission essential travelers coming to Guam. DPHSS will continue to accommodate requests for travelers with medical referrals or acute medical conditions that prevent quarantine in a hotel. Please email the addresses below. Si Yu’os Ma’åse’ for your patience and understanding as DPHSS takes the appropriate public health measures to keep the island community safe.
If you have a medical referral to receive health care on Guam, or you have an acute medical condition that prevents quarantine in a hotel, please email:
bertha.taijeron@dphss.guam.gov; anthony.quitugua@dphss.guam.gov; and laureal.villagomez@dphss.guam.gov